3D Configurator Web-App

What is this?

mMod is a Tool to prepare and edit a 3D-Model in the Browser.

The Inventor Addin helps you marking parameters in an Inventor model and then export it as a jsCad-File.

Then, this File can be added to this Folder. The Web-App will include your model in the Select-Dropdown menu.

For further information see the seperate folders.

Git clone the project

Clone the project on your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/medizinmensch/mMod.git

Git branches

Create your branch via website

Then switch to your branch in console:

Git clone URL

Git branch myBranch (shows the branch in your console)

Git checkout myBranch (switch to different branch)

Directory Explaination

The directory explained as follows:

|-- AddIn                       # Inventor Addin files go here
|   |-- InventorBeispiele	# exampleFiles
|   |-- MasterModel		# VS Project File
|-- Web-App                     # source file for project
|   |-- dist                    # deploy files   
|   |-- scr                     # source file for project
|   |   |-- images          
|   |   |-- scripts             # all the javascript files go here
|   |   |   |-- js
|   |   |   |-- jscad_scripts   # all the new models you want to add
|   |   |-- scss                # css style files
|   |   |-- index.html          # main/startup html file
|-- .gitgnore
|-- README.md                   # this file you are reading
|-- gulpfile.js                 # gulp tasks

How we collaborate

  1. clone (dont fork) your local copy
  2. make your branch (by git branch myBranch)
  3. set your branch as active (by git checkout myBranch)
  4. set your upstream (by it branch --set-upstream-to=origin/myBranch myBranch)


@joostn - we took several jsCad Files as placeholders